

noun ad·a·mant \ˈa-də-mənt, -ˌmant\

Definition of ADAMANT

:  a stone (as a diamond) formerly believed to be of impenetrable hardness
:  an unbreakable or extremely hard substance

Origin of ADAMANT

Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin adamant-, adamas hardest metal, diamond, from Greek
First Known Use: 14th century


adjective ad·a·mant \ˈa-də-mənt, -ˌmant\

: not willing to change an opinion or decision : very determined

Full Definition of ADAMANT

:  unshakable or insistent especially in maintaining a position or opinion :  unyielding
ad·a·mant·ly adverb

Examples of ADAMANT

  1. I am keen not to share my genetic code with my insurer, I am keen that my doctor should know it and use it, but I am adamant to the point of fanaticism that it is my decision. —Matt Ridley, Genome, 1999

Origin of ADAMANT

(see 1adamant)
First Known Use: 1897

Synonym Discussion of ADAMANT

inflexible, obdurate, adamant mean unwilling to alter a predetermined course or purpose. inflexible implies rigid adherence or even slavish conformity to principle <inflexible in their demands>. obdurate stresses hardness of heart and insensitivity to appeals for mercy or the influence of divine grace <obdurate in his refusal to grant clemency>. adamant implies utter immovability in the face of all temptation or entreaty <adamant that the work should continue>.
ADAMANT[1] Defined for Kids


adjective ad·a·mant \ˈa-də-mənt\

Definition of ADAMANT for Kids

:  not giving in <I tried to change her mind, but she was adamant.>


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